The Globe
199 North Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30601
Phone: (706) 353-4721
Opens at 11 am - 7 days a week.
Globe Beer List
Boddington's Pub Ale
Franziskaner Hefe-weizen
Fuller's ESB
Guinness Stout
Hoegaarden Belgian White
Maudite Belgian-style Ale
Paulaner Hefe-weizen
Pilsner Urquell
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Terrapin Rye Pale Ale
Warsteiner Lager
Domestics by the Bottle
Abita Amber
Abita TurboDog
Anchor Steam
Blue Moon
Bud light
Dogwood Pale Ale
Flying Dog Old Scratch Lager
Flying Dog Road Dog Porter
Grants Perfect Porter
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Rogue Dead Guy Ale
Rogue Shakespeare Stout
Samuel Adams Boston Lager
Shiner Bock
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sweetwater 420 Ale
Sweetwater Blue
Tupper's Hop Pocket Ale
Imports by the Bottle
Amstel Light
Beamish Stout
Beck's Lager
Bitburger Lager
Carlsberg Lager
Celebrator Doppelbock
Dos Equis Amber
Frankenheim Alt
Fuller's London Pride
Fuller's London Porter
Guinness Stout
Heineken Lager
Lindeman's Cassis Lambic
Lindeman's Framboise Lambic
Mackeson Triple Stout
Maisel's Hefe-weissen
McEwan's India Pale Ale
Moretti LaRossa
Negra Modelo
Oberdorfer Hefe-weizen
Old Peculier Ale
Old Speckled Hen Pub Ale
Peroni Lager
Red Stripe Lager
Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale
Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout
Samuel Smith's Pale Ale
Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout
Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter
Spaten Lager
St. Sebastian Belgian Dark
Stella Artois
Strongbow Dry Cider
Tennent's Lager
Tetley's English Ale
Tsing Tao
Tucher Hefe-weizen
Weihenstephaner Hefe-weizen
Veltin's Lager
Whitbread Pale Ale
Woodpecker Cider
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This is Jennifer Lang, manager of The Globe. Jennifer takes great pride in running a beautiful bar that is also extremely comfortable and social. The selection of drinks and food is outstanding.
The Globe is located at the corner of Clayton and Lumpkin Streets in the heart of the "classic city" of Athens, Georgia. The north campus of The University of Georgia is only one block away.
Pictured to the right is The Globe's own version of "Norm." Johnnie Sutherland is a much loved regular at the bar. Johnnie has said, "I can sit at the bar of The Globe, and in the space of a year almost every type of person will sit next to me -- and each person will be interesting." No visit to the Globe would be complete without a conversation with Johnnie.
Two distinctive features of The Globe include the big brass bar and the black and white mural behind the bar that depicts scenes from the production of some of the world's great beverages.
Ever since The Globe opened its doors in 1989, patrons have enjoyed the wonderful selection of beer, wine, and single malt. In 2003 the Globe added a kitchen that produces wonderful food items such as chili, soups, sandwiches, and salads.
Complimentary breads and cheeses are also offered in the late afternoon.
The Globe also has sofas, rocking chairs, and spacious benches from which one can gaze out into the lively streets of Athens.
Intriguing local art is also displayed throughout the bar.
The Globe
199 North Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30601
Phone: (706) 353-4721
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