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Czech Beer Notes
- Beer = pivo
- Brewery = pivovar
- Dark beer = tmave or
- Pale beer = svetle
- Wheat beer =
psenicove pivo
- Draft beer = tocine
- Food = jidlo
- Beer usually comes in
degrees of strength from 10 to 12. 10 is the lighter version; 12
being the strength of imported Pilsner Urquell. Beers over 12
(such as the black 13 degree U Flecku brew are rare treats in the Czech
- There
are very few styles of beer available in the Czech Republic, with the
most famous being Bohemian Pilsners of various strengths offered in
- Pilsner Urquell is the ubiquitous beer in the town of
- Dark Czech lagers are usually sweeter
and less hoppy than Pilseners with more of a caramel flavor.
Museum of Brewing
(Pivovarske Muzeum v Plzni)
No visit to Pilsen would be complete without a stop in the very old
Museum of Brewing. The building was once a malthouse that
supplied the town's brewers in the middle ages. It was also a
brewpub in the early part of the 20th century. Under sponsorship
of the Pilsner Urquell brewery, the museum is now one of the most
detailed and impressive beer museums in Europe. It is also one of
the most popular tourist spots in Pilsen. It is located only two
blocks from the main square.

Na Parkanu
(near the Museum of Brewing)
This establishment is right around the corner from the museum listed
above. The pub is cheerful and friendly and has been renovated of
late to be more appealing to tourists. Their food is very
appealing, and
Pilsner Urquell highlights the beer menu.

U Salzmannu
(just off the NE corner of the Republiky square)
The church steeple in the main town square (Republiky) is the tallest
in the Czech Republic. After you have taken in the sights and
sounds of the
church be sure to pop into the Salzmannu pub for a half liter of
Pilsner Urquell. This is a very traditional, well established
Czech public house that welcomes locals and tourists alike.
Antique beer barrels are a welcoming sight as one enters the front
doors. Food here is tasty and filling. |

Pivovarska Rychta
This pub has a big menu that includes delicious traditional Czech
dishes right alongside pizzas. Pilsner Urquell is available on
draft downstairs in the main bar. Staropramen, Krusovice (light
and dark), and Pilsner Urquell are on tap in the upstairs restaurant. |

Plzenska Formanka
Republiky (west side of square)
you walk out of the front doors of the main church steeple in the
Republiky square, all you need do is walk across the street to find
our next pub. Formanka was opened in the early 1990s, but looks
and feels much older. Go in the door and walk down a stark
hallway to find the cellar pub. Kozel (pale and dark) and Pilsner
Urquell (of course) are available. The atmosphere is pleasant and
the food consists of hot and substantial Czech dishes.

U Zumbera
(one block south of Republiky square)
Zumbera has been remodeled to be a bit more upscale. The
trappings of the interior are attractive, but seem a bit polished for
an old pub. The food here is excellent and hearty, and the beers
include Kozel and Pilsner Urquell. The bar now has music on some
nights. |

U Mansfelda
& Krizikovy Sady
If you are heading east from the main square toward the river on your
walk toward the Pilsner Urquell brewery, be sure to stop by
Mansfelda. This is one of the new Pilsner Urquell "original" pubs
that has been opened recently. The interior is spotless and
beautiful, the outdoor deck is grand with nice views of the park, and
the food and Pilsner Urquell are scrumptious. Prices are a bit
higher here than in other pubs in the city. |

Stara Sladovna
Stara Sladovna is an absolute delight. Located on a small side
street two blocks north of Republiky square, this pub is housed in what
was once a torture and execution chamber in the middle ages. There are
dried hops on the ceiling, old stone walls, and a big open fireplace in
the center of the main dining area. Stara Sladovna has one of the
best beer (including Kelt Stout) and mead (honey wine) selections in
Pilsen. Be sure to try the Korma (a mixture of beer and
mead). The atmosphere will convince you that you've stepped into
the 1500s, and the mead honey cake is a perfect ending to the wonderful
meal that you will enjoy here. |

Pilsner Urquell
(Plzensky Prazdroj)
U Prazdroje
(east of the main square down Prazska across the Radbuza River)
The westernized name for the Plzensky Prazdroj brewery is Pilsner Urquell. Pilsner
Urquell is famous around the world as the originator of clear, golden
lagers. As you enter the brewery yard through the old brewery
gates you will see the large visitors center to your left. Tours
are offered daily at 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2 pm, and 3:30 pm. The
friendly guides will lead you to a view of the new brewery and walk you
through the labyrinth of the old brewery cellars. Pilsner Urquell
was recently purchased by SAB Miller and has shifted production from
their old pitch-lined, wooden fermenters to sparkling new stainless
steel; but it is still a rare treat to visit this remarkable mecca of
brewing history. |


Vaclav Kulle was our gracious guide
through the Pilsner Urquell brewery experience.

The Pilsner Urquell brewery landscape is always

The gorgeous brewhouse.

The best part of the brewery tour is sampling the
young Pilsner Urquell beer from some of the old wooden lagering tanks
that have been preserved in the cellars.

The coopery workshop exhibit demonstrates how the
wooden barrels were made at the beginning of the last century.

After your tour be sure to enjoy a traditional Czech
meal and a half-liter (or more) of Pilsner Urquell at the brewery
restaurant Na Splice. Na Splice is open daily 10 am to 10 pm.