Brewtopia Events LLC

Strong Beer 2
Tasting Comments

Owen Ogletree (director of Brewtopia Events) gathered together Lari Cowgill, Dan Hall, Dean Graves, and Pasha Sovourin at Athens' Burntstone Brewhouse to sample and comment on several commercial beers.  This beer sampling was done as a blind tasting where no one was aware of the brand or style of beer that was being served each time.  This group of high gravity beers was informally evaluated based upon complexity, subjective appeal, drinkability, aroma, and flavor.  Please note that these beers were not made with the fruits and spices noted below -- these flavors and aromas come from the malt, hops, yeast, and maturation of the beers.  This sampling was conducted in August of 2000.  Because of Georgia's restrictive, archaic laws which prohibit the sale of beer over 6% in alcohol, all these wonderful beers had to be purchased in Chattanooga, TN (see the Georgians for World Class Beer page for more on this problem).  Drop Owen an email to share your comments and opinions.

Brewtopia Events

Commercial Beers -- Blind Tasting Comments...

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Lucifer Belgian Golden Ale
Riva Brewery, Belgium
Aroma: metallic, lemon, ginger.
Color: clear, golden/straw, yellow. 
Flavor: fruity, orange, peaches, sweet aftertaste, citrus.  The taste is better than the aroma.  Tastes Belgian. Alcohol is not too apparent -- the quality of the beer hides the alcohol.

Delirium Nocturnum
Huyghe Brewery, Belgium
Aroma: malty, not hoppy, smooth, cinnamon, honey, alcohol, phenols.
Color: slightly cloudy, red, nice head.
Flavor: alcohol, sweet, honey, figs, apples, fruity, rich, butter, very nice.

Eye of the Hawk
Mendocino Brewing Company, California
Aroma: not very complex, malty, caramel, hops, mild, smooth.
Color: copper, clear, bright.
Flavor: good mouthfeel, smooth, figs, hops, bitterness is nice, alcohol is there, butter-like, hops are smooth and not biting, the malt is a great foundation for a nice ale, well-balanced, reminds one of a strong California Common Beer, good texture, alcohol is more apparent as the beer warms up.

Skull Splitter Orkney Ale
Orkney Brewery, Scotland
Aroma: sweet, caramel, floral, spicy.
Color: amber, clear, glows when back-lit.
Flavor: very smoky, caramel, fruity, butterscotch, malt, not hoppy, plums, rich, flavorful.  A flavorful brew!

Steenbrugge Dubbel Bruin
De Gouden Boom Brewery, Belgium
Aroma: sweet, plum, fruity, raisins, toffee, prunes.
Color: dark brown, nice head.
Flavor: fruity, vanilla, an alcohol flavor that is not bad, smoky, cinnamon, mineral-like, corky, port-like, could be a bottle a bit past its prime.  The aroma is better than the flavor.

Steenbrugge Tripel Blond
De Gouden Boom Brewery, Belgium
Aroma: sherry-like, earthy, apples, lambic-like.
Color: cloudy and straw-colored. 
Flavor: old, musty, butter, cardboard-like, sweet, cinnamon, vanilla, malt, slightly fruity, too old to be extremely pleasant.

Arrogant Bastard Ale
Stone Brewing Company, California
Aroma: hops, malt, sweat-like, piney and floral hop aromas, alcohol.
Color: deep red/copper, clear, color of a burgundy wine. 
Flavor: butterscotch, piney/resin-like hops, nutty, bitter, west coast hops, good -- but maybe too many hops -- not entirely balanced with the malt, not for the beer novice, fruity, hard edged beer -- but good if you like hops.  Intense flavor with a warming, brandy-like character.  Wow, a beer to share!

Urbock 23
Aroma: spicy, honey, pepper, sweet, alcohol.
Color: clear, golden, beautiful.
Flavor: alcohol burn, plum, fruity, blood orange, nice, alcohol flavor is everywhere, good mouthfeel, good after dinner beer, floral, honey.  A very strong beer.

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