www.ClassicCityBrew.com Strong Beers 3 Blind Beer Tasting |
![]() (Clockwise LtoR): Lari Cowgill, Joanne Maki, Mark King, Jeff Rapp, and Martha DeHart. Photo by Owen Ogletree. |
Commercial Beers -- Blind Tasting Comments...
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Old Boardhead Barleywine Ale 2001 American Barleywine Full Sail Brewing Co., Portland, OR, USA THIRD PLACE Aroma: Fruity, candied fruit, toffee, plum, currant, and raisins. Appearance: Dark amber with ruby highlights and low carbonation. Flavor: Fruity with nice, rich malt. Full mouthfeel, not very bitter for style, toffee/sweetness is strong, could have more American hops for balance. Flavor is good -- not cloying. This is a delicious, warming, powerful ale. Pike XXXXX Stout 2001-2002 Foreign Extra Stout Pike Brewing Co., Seattle, WA, USA HONORABLE MENTION Aroma: Roasted grains prominent. Some fruitiness. Appearance: Deep, attractive black color, low carbonation. Flavor: Roasted grain obvious, hop bitterness medium, thick mouthfeel -- a thick, roasty, flavorful beer. Lurgashall Special Reserve Mead Traditional Mead - Sweet/Still Lurgashall Winery, Petworth, W. Sussex, UK HONORABLE MENTION Aroma: Honey-like with floral, citrus, alcohol, fruity notes. Quite complex. Appearance: Very gold and clear. Still (no carbonation). Flavor: Lots of mouthfeel and warming alcohol. Honey with brandy/port notes, fruity, sweet, nice body, smooth texture, not astringent. This would be a nice, warming, after dinner drink. Bitter XX Belgian Golden Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Brewery De Ranke, Wevelgem, Belgium Aroma: Spicy, musty, tart, earthy. Appearance: Golden with bright white foam. Flavor: Bitterness is high, high carbonation bites the tongue, asprin/metallic-like, hops predominate, light/medium mouthfeel finishes a bit dry. A very interesting ale similar to Orval Trappist Ale. Eau Benite Belgian Tripel Unibroue, Chambly, Quebec, Canada Aroma: Caramel notes, apple-like, winey. Appearance: Deep gold in color with good clarity. Flavor: Spice, clove, thick/soft mouthfeel, light toffee notes? Needs more of a dry finish. Mouthfeel is full. A good, complex ale. Mahr's Weisse Bock Weizenbock Bamberger Mahr's-Brau, Gebr. Michel, Bamberg, Germany Aroma: Light aroma of ripe fruit, malt, and no hops. Appearance: Light brown in color, cloudy. Flavor: Salty, mineral-like, raisins, wheat, a hint of clove -- mild flavors for style. A hint of oxidation (sherry) character is present and good for style. No hop flavor or bitterness. A bit weak for style, but very pleasant. Monchshof Schwarzbier Schwarzbier (Black Beer) Kulbacher Brauerei, Kulmbach, Germany Aroma: Malty with hints of roast. Clean with no fruity esters. Appearance: Dark ruby in color, pretty. Flavor: A nice chocolate flavor with a hint of bitterness. Clean and smooth -- very drinkable. Not very rich -- a bit dry for style -- needs a bit more residual sweetness. Sweetwater Festive Ale 2001 Spice Beer Sweetwater Brewing Co., Atlanta, GA, USA Aroma: Fruit, malt, licorice, allspice -- nice, balanced aroma. Appearance: Beautiful, dark brown.. Flavor: Medium/full body, rich, ginger, nutmeg, pleasant, dark malt is flavorful (not astringent). Could be a bit richer in spice notes. A smooth, flavorful beer with character. Robust Porter Harviestoun Brewery, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, UK Aroma: Black currant, fruity aroma with no butterscotch character. Appearance: Black color -- garnet-like. Flavor: Needs more coffee-like notes. Mouthfeel is medium. Not very complex. A rich, fruity ale with subtle notes of dark malt. Russian Imperial Stout Lagunitas Brewing Co., Petaluma, CA, USA Aroma: Licorice, dark fruit notes. Roastiness is restrained. Appearance: Large head, huge carbonation, reddish-black in color. Flavor: Suggestion of cocoa, very full-bodied and rich. Hints of minor plastic, band-aid, clove (slightly infected perhaps?). A flavorful, thick beer with minor problems. |
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